Sam is now 10 months old! Here are a few of the things he's been up to this month:
-He understands what we say more and more. Lately, he's learned clap, splash, downstairs, get down, and outside. I'm sure there are some others too, but my brain can't think of them at the moment.
- He's getting better at feeding himself. Recently, he's been eating scrambled egg, ground beef, cheese, and blueberries. He continues to prefer fruit to other things and sweet puffs above all else. He can now hold his sippy cup by himself and is pretty clear about letting us know when he wants a drink and when he's finished drinking.
- He's down to 3 nursings a day, which is both nice and sad. He LOVES those 3, though, so we'll hold onto them for a little while longer.
- We have a music lover! His current favorite toy is a music box that he can make play 7 different tunes. He carries it around with him, and it's a great distraction when he's getting into something he shouldn't. Honey recently played her dulcimer for him, and he loved it, sitting still for the whole song each time. Anytime we're at home with talk radio on (which Mom loves), he perks up when a commercial jingle comes on. The video below is of Sam (and Mom) dancing in the kitchen.
- This month, we've seen more of a preference for Mom. Sam loves to play with Dad, but there are times when Mom is all he wants. He's still pretty easy-going about letting us know what he wants, but he knows how to make his wishes clear. He's also been a little more uneasy about staying in the nursery. The ladies there still say he's easy and happy, but he definitely notices now when I come to get him.
- We're pretty sure we heard him say "mama" when we were hiking one Saturday. We haven't heard it since, though.
- Sam has one tooth! It's still pretty small, but it's broken through and didn't seem to bother him at all. Hopefully they'll all be so easy...
Sam is still a delight to us, and we're so thankful for him. We can't wait to see what the next month will hold!