

Friday, June 29, 2012

5 Month Update

Sorry we skipped the 4 month update; sometimes life gets busy.  At Sam's 4 month check up, he weighed in at 12 lbs, 8 oz., which is still in the 10th percentile.  He's now 25 inches long, though, which is exactly average for a 4-month old.  Now that he's 5 months old, I weighed him on our bathroom scale this morning, and his unofficial weight is now 14 pounds.

Our boy is growing up quickly.  He sleeps best on his stomach - sometimes even completely face down, which scares mom a little - but doesn't know how to roll over when he wakes up.  He still bears weight on his legs well and loves to look around.  We've taken him to the pool twice now, and he tolerates it but doesn't love it.  The bath is still his favorite!  He's now consistently sleeping though the night - usually about 10 or 11 hours - even when we visited with friends whose baby screamed all night.  We're thankful for a sound sleeper!

The biggest highlight of the past month has been beginning solids.  Although we had planned to wait until Sam was 6 months old, the doctor encouraged us to start earlier.  So, we bought some rice cereal and dove in.  We're so glad we did because Sam loves it!  The video below is one I made for Joel to watch Sam eating, so it's a little long, but it shows how well how eager he is.  So far, all we've done is cereal, green beans, and carrots, but we look forward to trying more soon!

We still have a happy, easy baby; we're so thankful for him!